Legal Terms
The organizer of the raffle is: "MCM GLOBAL AG" with a business address at: Baarerstrasse 137 6300 Zug, Switzerland. By participating in the MCM Instagram contest, entrants agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
1. Contest
a. The object of the competition is: 1x Match ticket (plus one) for a Match of the Football European Championship 2024 in Germany.
b. This contest is open worldwide (Section 2.b. reserved) via the MCM Instagram profile.
2. Participation in the contest
a. The competition is open to participants from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK or France.
b. Only the prizes described in the raffle will be offered. Cash payment of the prize is not possible. The prize is not transferable to other persons. Registrations outside the specified registration periods will no longer be considered, regardless of the reason for the delay. The organizer cannot be held responsible for any technical malfunctions, in particular network, electronic or computer failures.
c. Participation in the raffle is only possible if these conditions of participation are accepted.
3. Participation requirements
a. A participant in the raffle is a natural person who completes the task set in the period from 29.05.2024 until 17.06.2024 at 11:00 PM CET.
b. All natural persons residing in Germany who are at least 18 years old at the time of participation are eligible to participate. Participation in the raffle is only possible with an e-mail address. The participant in the raffle is the person who has the e-mail address by name. Employees of CLIENT and their relatives as well as all other persons who are or were entrusted with the preparation and implementation of the raffle are excluded. Poolings are not eligible to participate. Participation via third parties (e.g. prize draw services) is excluded.
c. The winner agrees that his/her name may be made public.
d. The winner agrees that he/she may be contacted by the company by e-mail for the purpose of prize information.
e. Each participant is responsible for the correctness of the data provided.
4. Exclusion
a. In the event of a violation of these conditions of participation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude persons from the raffle, in particular in the event of a violation of the conditions of participation pursuant to sections 2.1. and 2.2. Participants who are suspected of (technical) manipulation of the raffle will be excluded from the raffle. Profiles that are only used to take part in the raffle will be excluded from the prize draw. Participants who violate the conditions of participation may also be excluded from the raffle with immediate effect. If the participant is asked to publish their own content, this must not be unlawful and must not contain any insults, false facts, competition, trademark or copyright infringements. If the conditions for exclusion are met, prizes may be subsequently revoked or prizes already paid out or delivered may be reclaimed or corresponding corrections may be made to the ranking list.
b. The organizer or the agencies commissioned to run the raffle are entitled to stop, cancel or suspend the raffle if: - an attempt at abuse through manipulation is detected. - proper implementation is no longer ensured, in particular in the event of hardware or software failure, program errors, computer viruses or unauthorized intervention
5. Period of the raffle
a. The raffle starts on 29.05.2024, closing date on 17.06.2024 at 11:00 PM CET.
6. Execution of the raffle
a. Everyone who completes the task will be in with a chance of winning. Participants are asked to RAFFLE MECHANICS. Everyone who has RAFFLE MECHANICS will automatically be entered into the prize draw.
b. Following the raffle, the winner will be determined by drawing lots. The draw will take place after the end of the raffle period, 18. June 2024. See § 4 Period of the raffle.
7. Notification of winners
a. the winners will be contacted by MCM Global AG by Email. The winners are requested to report back to CLIENT after the announcement.
b. If the winners do not contact CLIENT within 4 days of the end of the raffle, stating their name and address, their claim to the prize will lapse and another participant will be chosen.
8. Transfer of prize
a. The prize will be delivered by postal services / digitally via mail within Germany, Switzerland, the UK, France, or Austria.
9. Disclaimer
a. To the extent permitted by law, the organizer assumes no liability whatsoever, in particular not for timely participation in the raffle.
b. The organizer is only liable for the proper execution of the raffle.
c. The organizer shall not be liable for direct or indirect damages resulting from participation in the raffle or from the inaccessibility of the raffle offer, unless the damages are due to gross negligence or intentional acts for which the organizer is responsible.
d. The organizer also assumes no liability for content published by participants, in particular not for content that contains insults, propagates false facts, contains competition, trademark and/or copyright infringements or otherwise violates applicable law.
e. Participants agree that their contributions to the raffle campaign, the draw, processing or presentation of the participants' entries may be publicly disclosed to third parties by the organizer or third parties commissioned by the organizer in online and offline media (e.g. on the Instagram page, website or in print).
10. Data Protection (only applicable for EU entrants)
a. MCM observes all relevant data protection regulations in the context of the contest.
b. Participation in the contest is voluntary. The respective entrant him/herself provides all information in the shared content via his/her Instagram profile and/or via Instagram Direct Message. MCM processes the by the entrant published content, profile name and all information that the entrant provides via his Instagram profile for the purposes of processing the contest. Furthermore, MCM processes the entrant's first name, surname, address provided via Instagram direct message for the purposes of processing the contest and sending of the prize. This information has to be provided in order to process the prize. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.
c. Personal data of the entrant may also be transferred to and processed in the USA. If this is the case, MCM shall ensure that the special requirements of Art. 44 et seq. GDPR are fulfilled and an adequate level of data protection according to GDPR is ensured.
d. If the participant subsequently decides not to take part in the contest, they can object to the data processing according to Art. 21 sec. 1 und 2 GDPR by contacting MCM.
e. In order to comply with retention periods under tax and commercial law, MCM stores the personal data collected as part of the contest for a period of 10 years. According to Art. 12 et seq. GDPR the entrant can request information about his/her personal data at any time and have it corrected and/or deleted and/or restrict the further processing of this data.
f. To exercise the aforementioned rights, the entrant can contact MCM by letter to the contact details above. If the entrant has any questions, comments or requests regarding the collection, processing and use of personal data by MCM, the entrant can contact MCM at any time using the contact information provided. As an affected data subject the entrant is entitled to information, correction or deletion, restriction of processing and portability of data concerning his/her person and a right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority according to the GDPR.
11. Liability (only applicable for EU entrants)
a. MCM shall be released from all obligations arising from this Contest after the prize has been sent to the entrant, unless an earlier date is specified in these provisions.
b. MCM shall only be liable for damages caused by gross negligence or intent on the part of MCM, a legal representative or vicarious agent of MCM.
c. In addition, in the event of a slightly negligent breach of material contractual obligations, MCM shall be liable for foreseeable damage typical of the contract. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner regularly relies and may rely. Otherwise, the liability of MCM is excluded.
d. MCM’s liability resulting from injury to life, limb or health remains unaffected by the afore-mentioned limitations of liability. MCM’s liability under the German Product Liability Act and for a guarantee assumed by MCM shall also remain unaffected.
e. Furthermore, MCM shall not be liable if the contest cannot be held and/or the participant cannot claim the prize due to force majeure or other obstacles that MCM could not foresee and/or influence and that cannot be overcome by reasonable efforts, provided that MCM is not responsible for them.
12. Miscellaneous
a. Legal action is excluded.
b. Should one of these provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Participation.
For additional assistance concerning our online store or your online purchase, please contact us at: 00800 8888 1976 or via email or via email at Our Client Service team is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., excluding Bank Holidays.
© MCM GLOBAL AG. Last Updated: April 17, 2024
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